Europejski Urząd Nadzoru Bankowego, Opinia EBA w sprawie absolutorium Parlamentu Europejskiego za rok 2020

Opublikowano: LEX/el. 2022

Opinia EBA w sprawie absolutorium Parlamentu Europejskiego za rok 2020


12 September 2022

Opinion of the European Banking Authority on the 2020 discharge report of the European Parliament

Introduction and legal basis

This opinion provides a formal response to the observations made by the Parliament during the 2020 discharge process It was approved by the EBA Board of Supervisors on 12 September 2022, based on the following provisions:

- Article 64 of the European Banking Authority (EBA) Regulation , which sets out arrangements for the implementation and control of EBA’s budget. Based on Article 64(11) EBA Regulation, the Authority shall provide a reasoned opinion on the position and on any other observations of the European Parliament (EP) during the discharge procedure.

- Article 105(1) of the EBA Financial Regulation , which states that the European Parliament (EP), upon recommendation from the Council, shall, before 15 May of year N+2 where otherwise provided in the constituent act, give a discharge to the Executive Director for the...

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