Izarova Iryna, The transformation of civil justice amid COVID-19: lessons from Ukraine

Opublikowano: PPC 2022/1/223-232
Rodzaj: artykuł

The transformation of civil justice amid COVID-19: lessons from Ukraine

Keywords: civil procedure, COVID-19, civil justice, videoconference in courts, time limits in civil procedure, abuse of procedural rights

1.Introduction: courts in the face of COVID-19

A beginning is that which is not a necessary consequent of anything else but after which something else exists or happens as a natural result.

Aristotle, Poetics

The judiciary is an ancient and very conservative institution, which has faced various challenges over the centuries of its existence. It cannot be said that pandemics, wars, or other terrible circumstances have been a rarity in human history, and we cannot ensure that these things will never happen again. In view of this, the events of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as some of the solutions used to prevent human rights violations and the proper performing of justice in Ukraine, seem worth analysing and presenting as lessons.

During the first days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine, the executive power tried to find the most appropriate instruments to prevent the spread of the...

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