Banasiuk Joanna, Orphan Works as a Twentieth Century Black Hole - Is There a Need for the Adoption of Legal Solutions at International Level?

Opublikowano: ZNUJ. PPWI 2017/3/37-48
Rodzaj: artykuł

Orphan Works as a Twentieth Century Black Hole - Is There a Need for the Adoption of Legal Solutions at International Level?

Despite the fact that the orphan works problem is an international issue, neither the European Union nor the United States have been trying to find a legal compromise in order to implement a minimal legal provision common for both Europe and the U.S. The intangible and cross-border nature of the works and the fact that they may be exploited in many places simultaneously, given the global nature of the Internet, raise some doubts as to whether regional solutions may provide efficient protection of particular interests in the information technology era. Therefore, an international solution would be justified due to numerous circumstances. However, it is to be noted that countries have already made investments in crafting their own solutions. In these circumstances, an international discussion on the copyright paradigms seems to be more and more necessary.

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