Ludwikowski Rett, No Straight Shots. Is America Still a Bastion of Democracy and a Shield Against Terrorism?

Opublikowano: PiP 2022/6/47-65
Rodzaj: artykuł

No Straight Shots. Is America Still a Bastion of Democracy and a Shield Against Terrorism?

1. Introduction. For the reader who keeps track of events in the United States in the transitory period between 2020 presidential election and the first months of Joe Biden’s presidency, the title of this article looks familiar. The media were asking similar questions. Let us give a couple of examples of commentaries presented by the team of reporters of MSNBC (Microsoft National Broadcasting Company), on the same day when the introduction to this article was written, 21 January 2021, when we could have watched any of the following programs: ‘”Armageddon”: See the chilling warning about white supremacy before the Capitol riot’; ‘GOP’s future: A rejection of Trump or the QAnon coalition?’; ‘QAnon followers put all hopes in Trump. So, what happens now?’; or ‘Biden White House briefings jarringly normal after Trump’.

Taking into consideration the above-mentioned huge number of printed materials on the democracy in America and the transformation of the presidential system of government in...

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