Europejski Urząd Nadzoru Bankowego, Wezwanie do wyrażenia zainteresowania: Grupa Konsultacyjna dla Komitetu Polityki CCP

Opublikowano: LEX/el. 2024

Wezwanie do wyrażenia zainteresowania: Grupa Konsultacyjna dla Komitetu Polityki CCP

17 June 2024


Call for expression of interest: Consultative Working Group for the CCP Policy Committee


1. ESMA is today launching the process to establish a Consultative Working Group (CWG) for the CCP Policy Committee (CCP PC), as the term of the existing CWG of the CCP PC will expire shortly. ESMA is therefore calling for expressions of interest from stakeholders by 15 July 2024 to become a member of the CWG.

2. ESMA has established the CWG to benefit from the expertise of stakeholders who are specialised in the area of Central Counterparties (CCP) and central clearing matters, under the remits of ESMA’s CCP PC and with a view to supporting ESMA’s objectives of investor protection, market integrity and financial stability through single rulebook work and strengthening supervisory approaches and practices across Member States on mandates related to central counterparties.

3. CWGs are an important part of ESMA’s stakeholder outreach formed under the terms of...

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