Europejski Urząd Nadzoru Ubezpieczeń i Pracowniczych Programów Emerytalnych (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority - EIOPA), Transgraniczne instytucje pracowniczych programów emerytalnych oraz nadzoru nad takimi instytucjami

Opublikowano: LEX/el. 2023

Transgraniczne instytucje pracowniczych programów emerytalnych oraz nadzoru nad takimi instytucjami


27 November 2023

2023 Cross-border IORPs


This report presents the results of an annual examination of the landscape of cross-border arrangements within Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs). It offers comprehensive insights into the developments and trends in this domain, with a particular focus on the year 2022.

Our analysis reveals that, by the conclusion of 2022, the count of active cross-border IORPs remained consistent with the figures reported at the close of 2020, totaling 31 entities. However, there was a small expansion in the number of both home and host countries, with respectively Latvia and Estonia joining this select group. Belgium continues to emerge as the leading home Member State, hosting the widest array of cross-border activities across 14 host Member States. Belgium also continue to stand as the primary domicile for the majority of members and beneficiaries engaged with cross-border IORPs. Equally, the Netherlands...

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