Europejski Urząd Nadzoru Bankowego, Ogólnounijny test warunków skrajnych 2023. Wytyczne dot. szablonów
Ogólnounijny test warunków skrajnych 2023. Wytyczne dot. szablonów
04 November 2022
2023 EU-Wide Stress Test Template Guidance
1. Introduction and general remarks
1.1 Objective of this guidance
1. The purpose of this document is to provide technical guidance, together with the Methodological Note, to the participating banksfor populating the set of templates for the 2023 EU-wide stress test. This document will not provide any definitions or requirements that go beyond the ones given in the Methodological Note. If there are cases where the guidance contradicts the requirements from the Methodological Note, the latter prevails.
2. Each of the Methodological Note’s chapters has a subchapter on the scope of application, on the definitions used in the chapter and on reporting requirements. Most of the information needed for the population of the templatesis included in the Methodological Note - in particular in the sub sections on the scope of application, on the definitions used in the chapter and on reporting requirements. Their content will thus not be...
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