Feczko Piotr, The weakening position of the State vs. the roles of interest groups in socio-economic life according to modern governance and institutional economics

Opublikowano: PPP 2017/7-8/101-108
Rodzaj: artykuł

The weakening position of the State vs. the roles of interest groups in socio-economic life according to modern governance and institutional economics


The authors intention is to present problems of the phenomenon of weakening of the position of the state and increase of role of the interest groups in the social economic-life, according to new public governance and institutional economics. In the beginning, he calls the notions of the state and the interest group (in the context of the problem mentioned in the title of this work). Next the author presents the concept of modern governance, which touches on issues related to the decrease of the significance of the state. Finally, the author takes the position about importance of the connections of weakening of the position of the state. Last but not least, the author takes the standpoint that aforementioned phenomenon is probably next step of the civilizational development of the organisation of societies.

The author stresses that the text has an interdisciplinary character – in the field of social sciences. In particular, the subject of the article concerns legal sciences, economic...

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