Mączyński Piotr, Płaszowska Renata, Specificity of cities with poviat status in perspective of performing tasks for ensuring safety and public order

Opublikowano: PPP 2017/10/96-103
Rodzaj: artykuł

Specificity of cities with poviat status in perspective of performing tasks for ensuring safety and public order


Cities with poviat status are specific kind of self-government units which – due to its character, area and number of citizens – are carrying out all local tasks. According to article 91 of the Act on poviat self-government poviat rights are vested in cities which population on the 31st of December 1998 was greater than 100.000, as well as in cities which on this date ceased to serve as the voivods' offices, and ones that were given poviat rights when the first triple-level administrative division of the country occurred in 1998. These are a special kind of self-government units, which – primarily due to a large population – were additionally given tasks and competencies normally granted to poviats. With such a large number of tasks (especially in the area of ensuring safety and public order), their complexity due to the relatively large territorial scope and the great number of recipients (inhabitants), as well as large number entities performing tasks, it is extremely important in...

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