Karkowska Anna, Hosting provider liability for user-generated content

Opublikowano: PPP 2020/1/41-50
Rodzaj: artykuł

Hosting provider liability for user-generated content

Keywords: file sharing, copyright infringement, Web 2.0 services, hosting providers, copyright holders, user-generated content, liability exemptions

1.Introduction. Web 2.0 services and copyright infringements in the modern era

Evolution of the Internet and the emergence of the hosting websites such as YouTube or The Pirate Bay, has brought the problem of liability of hosting providers for file sharing between the users into the courts . Hosting providers operate as modern Web 2.0 services, which offer their users an opportunity to contribute to the content and shape of the websites. However, instead of pursuing Internet users, which are direct infringers of copyright materials, right holders sue hosting providers for copyright infringements. Activities of users on the Internet may lead to all kinds of torts, among which illegal file sharing is the most popular. Hence, determining liability of hosting providers for unlawful acts of the users, is now one of the most important challenges in the field of Internet law.

2.Liability of hosting providers in the American and European Union law

The centrepieces of legislation regarding...

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