Gendreau Ysolde, Five Years After Its Modernisation: Canadian Copyright Law Poised for Its Review

Opublikowano: ZNUJ. PPWI 2017/3/5-23
Rodzaj: artykuł

Five Years After Its Modernisation: Canadian Copyright Law Poised for Its Review


More than 15 years after the WIPO treaties , the Canadian Copyright Act was amended to reflect the impact of digitisation and the Internet on the use of works and other protected subject-matters. The apparent tardiness in implementing the new norms dictated by the treaties is not due to inaction over the years since then. In 1997, that is just one year after these treaties, Phase 2 of the revision process of the Copyright Act was adopted by Parliament . Given the time frame, the issue of the implementation of the recent treaties had been raised; but the additional work that such an exercise entailed was perceived as too demanding to be done at that point in time without compromising the efforts that had already been deployed to achieve the completion of the pending revision. In the following ten years, three bills to implement the WIPO treaties were introduced in the House of Commons , but it was with the fourth attempt that the statute was amended by the Copyright Modernisation Act

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