Scheibe-Dobosz Marika, "Service not included" - is public law intervention necessary?

Opublikowano: PPP 2018/9/17-24
Rodzaj: artykuł

"Service not included" - is public law intervention necessary?

In era of widening regulatory framework entrepreneurs have to pay attention whether their business conduct does not contravene national or European Union law . Additional concern may be faced in the wake of technological development which generates a demand for a patchwork of new regulatory acts . Nonetheless among economic conducts there are still some which may raise potential doubts with regard to compliance with legal framework. Therefore in the article one of the longstanding business practices is called to be confronted with law. Whoever received a bill in restaurant came up with a very question whether a tip should be given or not. This apparently ordinary situation is beyond legal contemplations unless a tip is not in fact a tip but additional payment devoid of firm legal grounds or relied on misleading information. Is an intervention of the UOKiK’s President necessary in such a case?

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